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Woman carrying a hatchet
Florian Olivo/Unsplash

Hearing people open up about their near-death experiences is fascinating and it can reignite a sense that life is precious and can be taken away from us at any given moment.

But while a renewed perspective on life after narrowly avoiding accidental death is affirming, nothing is more terrifying when considering those who've managed to avoid death when it was motivated.

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With the way things are going with our government these last few years it feels like we're living in a cult. Doesn't it? Now we have this Qanon craziness, and it's followers have infiltrated the House and not just in an insurrection. There are actual Qanon members of Congress. That does not bold well for the sanity of the nation. Cults have been around longer than the dawn of time. I think because everybody is looking for a tribe, no matter how detrimental they can be.

Redditor u/HeyItsMeLeslie wanted to hear how we can shine more light on groups that are dangerous to the world by asking... What are some modern day cults that kinda fly under the radar?
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People Describe Their 'I've Got To Get Out Of Here Right Now' Experiences
Image by Monty Jendrike from Pixabay

Listening to your gut can save your life. There is a reason why we have inner voices warning us about something that just does not feel right.

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Escape Room Employees Divulge The Funniest Attempts People Have Made To Free Themselves
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I suffer from debilitating claustrophobia so I know all the places I absolutely cannot go! And number one on that list is these oh so popular "escape room" festivities. This escape room craze has become all the rage in group activity and celebrations. The point of these games is to find your way out, not burn down the building and freak out. Can you imagine the amount of blackmail the staff at these places must have? LOL.

Redditor u/ann_ha was hoping those who work the Escape Room establishments would share a few tales about what they've been witness to by asking...
People working in escape rooms, what's the funniest thing that you've seen?
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When the brain and body is sending up red flags the only option we have is to run. Run like the wind, into the night and flee to safety. We've all had those sucken vibrations in the pit of our stomachs. The vibrations that are feeding our intuition to warn us that what appears to be off in a certain situation usually is. I've watched enough Dateline and ID Discovery to know how to not become an episode. When it's time to go.... GOOOOO!!!!

Redditor u/flickbreeze2003 wanted to hear from the gallery about the times they knew fleeing was the valid response by asking..... What's your "WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Moment?
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