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Some people love to talk.

Often, much to the dismay of whomever they're talking to.

Even when you think they've finally run out of things to say, they swerve the conversation in another direction and just keep on talking and talking.

Most of the time, these people are well-meaning -- and that makes getting out of the conversation all the more challenging.

As we don't want to hurt their feelings or come off as rude.

It is for this reason that others have developed and perfected a perfect escape plan to cut a conversation short when there is no end in sight.

Leaving everyone happy, with no hurt feelings.

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People Who Escaped A Cult Describe How It All Went Down
Photo by Quaid Lagan on Unsplash

Cults are a very imminent issue to be on the alert for, especially these days. People fall into the masses all of the time without ever realizing they are giving away their identity. We never realize when we're being indoctrinated, that's how good the snake oil salesmen are, they are gifted in their vile ways. So that is why it's always so inspiring when we learn the stories of those who survived and ran for their lives.

Redditor u/Hattmyler1227 wanted to hear the best stories of triumph over the masses by asking.... For those of you that escaped cults... what was your, "I need to get the f@@k out" story?

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People Explain How To Politely End A Conversation With Someone Who Won't Stop Talking

People who don't know when to stop talking can be the cause of much stress, especially for people who experience social anxiety. The internal dialog in these situations often goes something like this:

"Is it just that they can't figure out I'm not interested? How do I escape from this conversation? I could just tell them, but I don't want to be rude. I guess I'll just sit here and nod along until they're done."

It gets even more complicated if the talker is a customer or your boss.

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Life is rarely ever easy. It certainly is interesting but easy, definitely not. We are consistently finding ourselves in situations that are uncomfortable to say the least. Often we are face to face with friends, family, lovers and enemies in moments of complete unrest and we have to wonder... "how in the world did we get here?"

Redditor u/YeastyMug wanted everyone to share some stories that left a lasting impression by asking.... What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in?

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People Who've Run From The Cops Reveal How They Didn't Get Caught
Comedy Central/MGM Worldwide

Running from the cops is rarely a good idea, it can be dangerous for everyone involved. We don't always make the best decisions under pressure, though, and those bad decisions can lead to hilarious outcomes after the fact.

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