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The Craziest Examples Of 'Rich Kid Syndrome'
Photo by Shane on Unsplash

It's easy for children of all ages to envy friends and classmates who come from wealth and privilege.

However, their envy might subside substantially after spending a bit more time with them.

It doesn't take long for children, or anyone, to discover that being handed everything on a silver platter has a way of warping one's sense of reality and common sense.

As a result, children of privilege have a sense of entitlement which sees them behave in peculiar, if not outright offensive, manners.

Behavior which has come to be known as "rich kid syndrome."

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The ER draws a lot of visitors. Sometimes...people who don't really need to be there.

Often, as the case is, kids get taken there by parents who demand attention. Maybe the kid does need to be there, and maybe they don't. But regardless, the parents definitely don't need to be talking to the doctors like this.

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Married People Share The Red Flags They Missed Before Tying The Knot

Relationships can be difficult, and a good relationship will always require some compromises.

Sometimes people change over time. If it gets to the point that all you're doing is compromising or excusing the other party's behavior, you've no longer got a relationship.

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Flying isn't particularly fun for anyone. Yes, it's super cool being above the clouds, the idea of flying itself is awesome, but the reality of being on a plane is less than stellar.

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