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People Describe The Creepiest Encounter They've Ever Had With A Stranger

Reddit user SilentBaker8893 asked: '"People of Reddit, what's the creepiest encounter you've had with a complete stranger that still gives you chills?"'

Hooded person walking down busy street at night
Irham Setyaki/Unsplash

Depending on where you live, It's hard to be friendly with strangers because you really don't know about a person.

Gone are the days when you struck up a conversation with a random stranger just to pass the time.

Nowadays, you never know whom you're dealing with, and it's better to stay vigilant and be discerning about a person's character when you're out in public.

It's a sad way to be, but it's the way people are socialized in a very divided and bonkers climate.

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People Explain How A Stranger They Met Once Left A Mark On Them

We all meet thousands of people throughout our lives, and many of them will quickly fade into distant memory shortly after we do. Some, though, manage to affect us so profoundly from a single meeting that we remember them for the rest of our lives.

Whether it's a stranger who was there to help in a time of need, a kind word during a really hard time, or someone who just happened to say exactly the right thing at the right time—sometimes the memory just sticks.

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People Break Down The Nicest Celebrities They've Ever Met
Photo by Jarvik Joshi on Unsplash

If you're from a big city where celebrity sightings are commonplace, or you somehow work in the entertainment industry, you're probably a lot more comfortable with the idea that celebrities are just regular people with a really unique job.

It can be hard to see through the characters they become in the media, but every now and then a person gets a peek behind the curtain. Chance encounters can often reveal who the celebrity is as a human being - and it's shockingly not always a total dumpster fire.

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