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People Reveal The Worst Mistakes They've Ever Made

A Redditor asked: 'What is the worst mistake of your life?'

We've all made mistakes.

Most of the time, these mistakes don't have major consequences in our lives, such as putting salt in our coffee instead of sugar, or taking a wrong turn and adding a bit more time to our journey.

There are some mistakes we've made in our lives, however, which we spend nearly every night regretting and giving anything to go back in time to change.

Perhaps the most unnerving thing about these mistakes though, is that we didn't even begin to think we were making a mistake at the time.

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People Debate What Would Be On TV In Hell
Fran Jacquier on Unsplash

Even those of us who lived through it might forget how terrible it was to have our shows decided by someone else, thousands of miles away. When you had to sit, and wait, for the show that was on to end so you could finally watch the one you want.

I think Hell might be like that.

These people, on the other hand, had a much more sinister idea for what everyone is forced to watch down below.

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People Who Sleep Naked Divulge Their Most Embarrassing In The Buff Moment
Charbel Aoun on Unsplash

Some people like sleeping in socks. Some enjoying silk pajamas in bed. And others prefer abandoning all forms of artificial layering to sleep in the nude.

While those who sleep naked prefer the comfort of having full body contact with their bedsheets, there are some drawbacks.
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People Share Their Funniest 'I'm Embarrassed To Even Know You' Experiences
J Taubitz on Unsplash

We'd like to think that we're a good judge of character evidenced by the good friendships we all have.

But when a friend or even a family member does or says something that proves us wrong about our opinion of them, it can make us embarrassed just knowing them.
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People Describe The Most Uncomfortable Feelings They've Ever Felt
Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

You don't always have to be in pain to feel like you're in pain.

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