embarrassing stories

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It's always wonderful to see people who do random acts of kindness for others, without expecting anything in return, and generally making the world a little bit better place.

But sometimes misunderstandings happen, especially among strangers or acquaintances, and sometimes our actions backfire, even if they came from the kindest of places.

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Nurse Mortified After Unintentionally Coming On To Male Patient While Inserting Urinary Catheter
Xavier Bonghi / Getty Images

Working in medicine has to be one of those professions which requires humor.

Without a little bit of humor—or at least the ability to look at the brighter side of things—surely the work would become too much for anyone.

Fortunately for this nurse, she has a funny story to carry with her, and her fellow staff, for a long time.

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Guy's Decision To Try To Stifle A Sneeze At Work Backfires Spectacularly
Kathrin Ziegler/Getty Images

Remember when you were a kid and everyone would tell you not to plug your nose when you sneeze because it was dangerous?

Pretty sure there's still no one who knows if that's actually true.

But if ever there was a story that gave credence to the idea that you should never suppress a sneeze, it is this one.

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Pizza Delivery Guy Keeps Delivering To The Same Address, And Things Get Awkwardly Worse Every Time He Goes Back
stevecoleimages/Getty Images

Every job has its foibles, but customer service work has arguably the most pitfalls of them all.

Dealing directly with other human beings—all their emotions and hang-ups and expectations and entitlements—is pretty much a one-way ticket to misunderstandings.

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Guy Gives His Old Phone To His 10-Year-Old Sister, Not Realizing His 'Homework' Folder Was Still On It
Michael Heim/EyeEm/Getty Images

Okay, everyone, today we're going to learn a vitally important life lesson, one that could make or break your reputation and be the deciding moment between a life of normalcy or a life of soul-shattering humiliation.

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