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The truth matters.

Something one would think was a given in modern society.

Yet all over the world, there are people so unbelievably stubborn, that they simply refuse to believe the facts.

Sometimes even when presented with evidence.

This could be for something menial, such as refusing to believe that a cotton candy was actually invented by a dentist.

But sometimes, refusing to believe the truth could have serious consequences, up to and including climate change, the effectiveness of masks, and the disproportionate amount of gun violence in the US.

Redditor Lady_Of_The_Water was curious about the many things, both frivolous and serious, people refused to believe were true, leading them to ask:

"Whats something someone thought you were wrong about and ridiculed you for it, but it turns out you were right?"
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People Divulge The Best Compliments They've Ever Received
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Random compliments are a huge mood booster and can make your day, but there are some that truly stand out from the rest and stay with you forever.

One such compliment I received is one I will not soon forget.

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People Share The Nicest Compliment They've Ever Received
Image by Roland Steinmann from Pixabay

Recently I was shopping in a Walmart and my day had been a cavalcade of suck. I'm still carrying Covid weight, my hair is greying and uncut and before I went to the store I opened a Diet Coke that blew up in my face and stained my new white shirt. So naturally, I went to the liquor store to preserve what was left of the hours before me. I didn't bother to change. Why? Nobody is looking.

While I was in the checkout a woman tapped me on the shoulder and said... "You have beautiful eyes. I noticed them above your mask. I saw you in the aisle and I just wanted to say that." I thanked her and we parted. After I stopped crying in my car while eating a rotisserie chicken and drinking a vodka/diet (in my mother's driveway... not driving) I reflected on that woman's kind words. They were short, simple and her intentions were only good. Yes, she was giving me a superficial boost, but, I needed it. And tomorrow was a better day because of it. Sometimes... a little compliment goes a really long way.

Redditor u/akar17 wanted to hear about all the ways we can make others smile by asking... What is the nicest compliment you have ever received?
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People Describe Their Funniest Secondhand Embarrassment Experiences
Image by Anita S. from Pixabay

Secondhand embarrassment is like siphoning gas from one car to the next. Except instead of gas it's cold sweats and red blushing cheeks, and instead of a car it's your central nervous system.

Also, you want no part of it.

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Children of Karen-esque Moms Explain How They Cope With That Behavior
Image by John R Perry from Pixabay

Over the past few years, but especially the past few months the video parade of Karens has been non-stop. The phrase-which is now an infamous part of our lexicon-labels a person due to their hideous public behavior. Too many moms (and dads) seem to believe the world is beholden to them and they let the world know it with each breath they take. These people seem to have no shame with such actions, but the people who know them and have to claim them as a loved are embarrassed and cloaked in shame. Children of these people are especially affected.

Redditor u/Matster04 wanted the children of "Karens" to share how they tend to the day to days with their moms by asking.... Children of "karens", what is it like to be their child?
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