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The Most Embarrassing Thing People Have Said To Someone They Were Trying To Impress

"Reddit user Klutzy-Hippo402 asked: 'What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever said to someone you were trying to impress?'"

I embarrass myself in the search for love constantly.

Or in the need to try and impress.

I can't help it.

And I know I'm not alone.

Every time I come face to face with a crush or someone that intimidates me, all of my wit, wisdom, and self-respect flies out the window. Suddenly words are just sounds that make no sense. I also laugh at the most inappropriate moments.

Trying to impress someone should be easy.

Well, maybe not easy, it can be a challenge but it shouldn't land anyone in the ER.

When did trying to gain someone's attention become a sporting event?

Thank God for Xanax.

I have found a little calm goes a long way.

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As much as the most ambitious will hate to admit this, it's literally impossible for a person to learn everything in the world there is to know in one lifetime.

But arguably, there are some basics that each of us should know, at least by the time we're in our adult years.

So much so, it might be embarrassing enough for a person to keep what they haven't learned a secret from others.

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The truth matters.

Something one would think was a given in modern society.

Yet all over the world, there are people so unbelievably stubborn, that they simply refuse to believe the facts.

Sometimes even when presented with evidence.

This could be for something menial, such as refusing to believe that a cotton candy was actually invented by a dentist.

But sometimes, refusing to believe the truth could have serious consequences, up to and including climate change, the effectiveness of masks, and the disproportionate amount of gun violence in the US.

Redditor Lady_Of_The_Water was curious about the many things, both frivolous and serious, people refused to believe were true, leading them to ask:

"Whats something someone thought you were wrong about and ridiculed you for it, but it turns out you were right?"
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People Explain Which Things They Think They Do Right But Aren't 100% Sure
Alice Dietrich on Unsplash

What is normal anyway?

We all have behaviors and quirks that some may look at with a furrowed brow, but they just don't get the genius.

And besides, all the other cool kids are doing it.

Aren't they?

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You don't want to think about it, but it haunts you at three in the morning, the way embarrassing, awkward memories often do.

You sit there and you can't stop cringing because dear Lord, it was awful and how in the world did you even survive that moment without immediately dying from embarrassment?!

Well, you did, and it sucks to be you. Just kidding. Hopefully you've learned to be a bit kinder to yourself – and to laugh at yourself, too!

People told us all about the embarrassing moments that they experienced after Redditor No-Bag7478 asked the online community,

"What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?"
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