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Things That Are Absolutely Worth Paying Someone Else To Do

Reddit user LCKilgore asked: 'What is absolutely worth paying someone else to do?'

Every now and then, we might notice something around the house that needs fixing or updating and dread the thought of having to pay someone to do it.

Of course, many people might choose to avoid this expense and tackle whatever needs to be done themselves.

Either with the help of a "how to" YouTube video or just tackling it blind and hoping for the best.

Of course, in some cases, people simply aren't willing to risk tackling a job, big or small, by themselves and know that the best thing to do is leave it to the professionals.

No matter how much it might cost.

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People Explain Which Things Just Aren't Worth The Effort
Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Life is too short and too precious.

So why do we waste so much time on trivial things?

If it's overly complicated or the result isn't life changing... why bother?

We need to decide sooner when to save our energy and effort.

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People Divulge The Best Way To Ruin Someone's Day With Minimal Effort
Image by Nebraska Department of Education from Pixabay

How mischievous do you get whenever you want to get back at someone in the spirit of fun.

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Cosplayers Share Which Costume They'll Never Ever Do Again
Photo by Judeus Samson on Unsplash

Cosplaying is a ton of work. Making a costume can take literal months. And then, you have to wear it all frickin' day--it's probably hot, sweaty, heavy, and gross in there.

And sometimes, cosplaying that character is 100% not worth the effort. Sometimes you have to hang up the spiky wig and say, "I tried that, no thank you" forevermore.

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