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Discontinued Menu Items That People Miss Most

Reddit user ienjoysuffering asked: 'What discontinued menu item from a restaurant do you miss the most?'

KFC menu items
Aleks Dorohovich/Unsplash

Restaurants, whether they are part of a major chain or a beloved local establishment, offer dishes that have become favorites by repeat customers.

But in order for some of them to thrive in a competitive dining industry, owners of your favorite places for dinner are constantly updating their menus to attract newer customers and to stay relevant in the culinary scene.

Unfortunately, the changes come at the cost of banishing your favorite entrees to the past.

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Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Freddy G/Unsplash

Why go spend tons of money on eating out when there are plenty of options at home that can constitute a meal?

Many people on a budget are very resourceful when it comes to food options that can be found in the back of their fridges and pantries–granted anything found hasn't spoiled.

You too can save your hard-earned money by manifesting your inner chef and creating palatable meals.

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I can't live without meat or fish in my diet.

I tried. It wasn't pretty.

But I respect those who have that strength.

But sometimes, that strength fades.

The smell of bacon can make anyone weak in the knees.

There are many reasons why people rejoin the carnivore party.

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Our stomachs don't agree with everything.

There are foods that make many of us sick... and not because of an allergy.

There is always going to be a meal that leaves a traumatic memory or three.

Not every ingredient is meant for everybody, afterall.

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There are foods touted as the greatest, greenest elixir for health, and then the next thing you know, they cause cancer or love handles.

Sometimes it seems like you can't win.

We have a lot of unlearning to do when it comes to food.

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