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People Share The Best Examples Of A Victimless Crime
Photo by niu niu on Unsplash

There are so many layers to crime, so many levels.

Are there crimes that aren't really crimes?

We're not talking about murder here, but what about jaywalking?

If there is no victim, does it count?

There are also quite a few local laws that don't quite make sense.

Should those count as a true crime especially if they get repealed when people find out about them?

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Oh the penis, what a strange little appendage.

It is the source of so much joy and so much drama.

And there is so much to know about it.

Penis knowledge often feels neglected.

Are you curious? Let's discuss...

Redditor Helpful_Jellyfish_69 wanted the men out there to speak about and shed some light on anatomy. They asked:

"Men of Reddit, what should women know about the penis?"
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People Explain Which Things Are Actually Easier To Create Than To Destroy
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

The beginning is always easy.

The end is always an issue.

That's why it's the end. Final.

I've always found that true about writing.

Where else does it apply?

Redditor JimmyJoeJoe__ wanted to discuss all the things that are way too easy to begin. They asked:

"What’s easier to create than to destroy?"
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People Break Down The Places That Are Easy To Enter But Difficult To Leave
Photo by Darwin Vegher on Unsplash

The shower. Your bed. A warm and comfy position on the couch. What do all of these things have in common? Once you get into them, you don't wanna get out.

Easy to enter, difficult to leave. Once you are in, you are in. And getting out isn't going to be the cakewalk that you want it to be. You are gonna have to do some work to get yourself away.

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People Share Which Things In Life Should Be Easier Than They Are
Olga DeLawrence on Unsplash

Navigating life is difficult enough as it is. So why must certain things in our day-to-day have to be so hard?

Sure, some things we encounter are understandably challenging, like school, for instance.
A college degree doesn't manifest itself. It takes discipline and hours of hitting the books to expand our knowledge.
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