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People Break Down Which Simple Things Turn Them On

Reddit user celena6443 asked: 'What's something simple that turns you on?'

Whatever gets you there.

That is my motto when it comes to the ways of seduction.

Turning someone on can be an art form.

Or it can be a simple accident.

Some people have ways that have been perfected.

Other people just stumble along and strike gold.

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Some things are deceptively simple.

Oh, skydiving? That's easy.

Love yourself? Simple.

Who can't open a can of pickles?

ME! ME! That's who. I can't do any of the above simply.

It's all hard. And you know it too.

It's just designed to" look" easy only to bamboozle us.

Approach everything as a burden and live by a motto...

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People Break Down Which Things Are Widely Considered A Red Flag But Really Aren't That Bad
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I look for red flags constantly.

I like always being prepared.

Who knows what dangers are lurking?

Not every red flag signifies danger.

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People Explain Which Skills Are Easier To Learn Than Anyone Thinks
Photo by Shreena Bindra on Unsplash

Who hasn't looked at a scarf someone knitted for a loved one, a flawless homemade birthday cake, or an immaculately planted garden and thought, "I wish I could do that"?

But you'd never dare try to attempt it yourself, knowing that it's well beyond your personal skill set.

But is it?

Intimidating as they may seem, some skills might be deceptively easier than they appear to be, or might come more naturally to you than to many others.

Redditor halfmoon599 was curious to hear what skills people believed to be much easier than they seem, leading them to ask:

"What skill is actually easier to learn than what other people think?"
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Finding a life partner is hard.

Why do the movies lie to us?

And so many more people are choosing life alone.

I guess that not having to share a bed thing is a real plus.

Redditor TheSilverKnight711 wanted to hear from all the single ladies... and gents... and everyone in between. They asked:

"What’s stopping you from having a partner in life?"
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