dumb things said

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People Share The Dumbest Thing They've Ever Said Out Loud

Did I just say that out loud?

People Share The Dumbest Thing They've Ever Said Out Loud
via Getty Images Tannis Toohey / Contributor

Lord our brains work in mysterious ways, don't they? How is it we seem to lose control over what words fumble out of our mouths at the most inopportune times? Who isn't guilty of spewing verbal craziness that leaves us and our witnesses utterly speechless? Who hasn't born the brunt of faces screaming... "do you NOT hear you?" Be honest. I'll wait.

Redditor u/Shikher_07 wanted everyone to share all the shockingly stupid things that have fallen out of our mouths at the worst times by asking.... What is the dumbest thing you've said out loud?

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