dumb questions

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The Most Uncomfortable Questions People Have Ever Been Asked

Reddit user Dr_Cloying asked: 'What's the most uncomfortable question you've ever been asked?'

Everyone jokes about not liking small talk and how ridiculous it is to talk about the weather, sports, and the traffic all the time.

But compared to the most uncomfortable questions someone might ask, those dull topics might be the way to go.

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People Share The Dumbest Question That They've Ever Been Asked
Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Have you ever looked at someone after they've asked you a question and wondered,"How have you managed to live this long?" Or, even better: "Did I really just hear that?"

It hurts even more once you realize they're not pulling your leg.

I wish I could say this hasn't happened to me more times than I can count, but the human race has a way of disappointing me in ways nothing else can.

Sadly, we all run into these people (and their questions).

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