dumb is smart

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People Describe The Dumbest Thing Their Smartest Friend Has Ever Done
Image by Sanya Daka from Pixabay

Not everyone is blessed with a full set of brains. Well, at least as far as we know. The brain is still such a mysterious part of the body, so we aren't actually aware of what is being used and what could be used.

But we do know a lot is being neglected. We all have a friend, or six, who may not be the brightest of the bunch and truthfully, some of us may be that friend.

But everyone has some smarts no matter what, and every once and a while those moments of mental clarity shine through and surprise everyone.

Redditor u/lord-stryker117 wanted to hear about that one friend who, God bless their heart, surprised everyone with a moment of unexpected smarts by asking:

Think of the smartest person you know, what is the dumbest thing they've ever done?
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