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A young party boy falls down the stairs
Sander Sammy on Unsplash

It doesn't take much to ruin the party mood.

Anything can tank a good time.

Usually, it's a guest who has decided to act a fool who brings down the atmosphere.

But it can also be the menu, the music, the neighbors... the list is endless.

A party is a fragile experiment.

Play it fun.

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People Who Fix Botched Tattoos Share Their Funniest Experiences
Photo by Brianna Tucker on Unsplash

Tattoo artists are flies on the wall. They get to see the moments before, during, and after a person's decision to permanently plaster something on the outer layer of their body.

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Being drunk is never an excuse. But it certainly is the driving force behind most of the dumbest things people have ever done.

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The internet is in love with Paul Rudd.

That fact is beyond dispute.

He can do no wrong ever since coming on the scene in 1995's Clueless.

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People Recall The Dumbest Thing A Drunk Friend Has Ever Done

We all have those friends, well let's be honest.... we've all BEEN that friend. It's okay. Sometimes liquor gets the best of us. Often those five extra shots are NOT a good idea. Try to remember that. Nobody wants to have to babysit their adult friends. Now, often these moments lead to lifelong hilarious stories. But you need to watch how many stories you collect and actions come with consequence.

Redditor u/walletsalt wanted everyone to out the whacked, liquored up behavior of their friends by asking..... What's the dumbest thing a drunk friend has done?

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