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Truck Drivers Describe The Craziest Thing They've Ever Witnessed In Another Vehicle
Zetong Li on Unsplash

I used to teach traffic school.

So trust me when I tell you, our lives are at risk on these roads.

People either don't care or don't get it.

I try not to look, mostly because I should be driving not looking all over.

But I always wonder, what do career drivers see?

Like truck drivers, they're on the road everywhere!

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People Break Down The Extremely Dangerous Things Most People Think Are Harmless
Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

The world is a big place, and as such it's filled with many terrors. Some, very obvious, like disease, famine, bears, bears with jetpacks, and so on.

However, it's the fears we don't see coming, the dangers hidden in the shadows of the wider range of the world where we think everything is okay.

We're safe. This thing we're doing can't possibly hurt us.

Until it's too late.

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Taxi drivers deal with all sorts of people, day in and day out.

Normally, their fares are just regular Joes and Janes on their way home or to their jobs or to a restaurant to meet their friends. Maybe they take people to the airport or the bus station while they're at it.

Then there are the times that people jump in, rushing all the while, and order them to gun it, adding some excitement to their shifts.

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Driving places has become such an integral part of American life—I guess unless you happen to live in a city that has a decent public transit system—that it's no wonder people have some strongly-held opinions about the practice.

Let's face it, if you drive and especially if you've driven for a while, you know that driving isn't what it used to be.

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Truck Drivers Share Lesser-Known Road Courtesies To Make Their Job Safer
Image by DEZALB from Pixabay

Being a truck driver sounds like a difficult task. As someone who doesn't drive, I can't imagine operating one of those big sixteen wheelers, so I have mad respect for those that do. Not to mention the fact that truck drivers barely get to sleep, and have to be on top of it at all hours of the day.

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