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People Break Down The Most Important Qualities Of A Good Driver

As someone who learned to drive in South Florida, I can say with full and complete confidence that I ... probably shouldn't have a driver's license or at least should only be allowed to drive in Florida.

Driving here is like driving on easy mode. We don't really have hills or mountains. No need for snow tires. I can't remember the last time I had to parallel park...

If you can get past the fact that about 70% of the other drivers on the road might actually be blind and earless ghoulish undead, based on their driving awareness, driving here is cake!

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Police Officers Recall The Strangest Person They've Ever Pulled Over

/ Contributor via Getty Images

Cops see some wild stuff while on duty. While most traffic stops are boring and routine, some drivers are able to shock even the most seasoned officers. Police sometimes get more than they bargained for when pulling people over, whether it's people behaving strangely, doing gross activities, or traffic lawbreakers attempting to stay out of trouble.

Redditor u/supermineboy wanted to hear about weirdos getting pulled over and asked police officers to tell their stories by asking... "What is the strangest person you pulled over?"

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Drivers Share Their Biggest Pet Peeves On The Road

Driving is a game of survival. Everyday we take our lives in our own hands behind the wheel. People are crazy and it doesn't take much to ruin driving. Driving is actually a rudimentary skill, so it's mind boggling that people can be so stupid or insane when performing on the tar. How do people not know the basics?

Redditor u/pqlt wanted drivers out there to discuss the worst of the road by asking.... Drivers of Reddit, what's your biggest pet peeve on the road?

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Ride Share Drivers Reveal The Most Entertaining Situations They've Ever Been In With Passengers
Jeshoots / Pexels

Way back in the day, HBO had a show called Taxi-Cab Confessions. The premise was simple, taxi drivers come across some of the most interesting people day in and day out - so why not put a camera in the cab and see what we can learn. It turned the cab into a confessional booth - and people loved it.

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