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The mind is such a brilliant yet fragile instrument.

There is so much to learn about how it works and some information we'll never fully know.

The struggle with dealing with our thoughts can be neverending.

It can be especially difficult for people with other issues to deal with.

People who survive with certain disorders already have a rough time.

And keeping one's darkest thoughts silent can be a nightmare unto itself.

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There are so many things to do and accomplish before we leave this earthly plane.

And so many people have compiled that infamous bucket list.

Now I hear people are putting together an "R rated" version of that list.

Besides travel and money, everyone wants to dabble in sex and crazy.

Let's read on...

Redditor Yankees727 wanted to discuss all the dreams we have compiled before we kick the bucket, including the "forbidden" stuff. They asked:

"What is on your NSFW bucket list?
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People Divulge The Most Recurring Themes From Their Nightmares
Enrique Guzmán Egas on Unsplash

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you..." Sound familiar? It should.

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Life in full of the unexpected and all things that cannot be explained. I don't know about the rest of you, but déjà Vu is a daily visitor in my life. I am constantly wondering... "Did that just happen, again?"

Strange happenings abound in all of our lives. And finding ways to properly describe phenomena has never gotten easier.

How do you relay the details about dreams within dreams within nightmares that happened while we're awake? It's all part of the mystery.

Redditor u/TheCornishGameHen wanted to hear about some things that have occurred in life that we'll never properly define, by asking:

What is an experience you've had that you cannot logically explain?
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People Explain Which Experiences They've Added To Their Post-Pandemic Bucket List
Image by Daniel Byram from Pixabay

Here we are, eighteen months into the pandemic. Life is moving forward, Delta be damned. We were told that one day the world would function again. So what did we learn in our isolation? Did we decide about what comes next? Everybody must have compiled a few ideas about what is going to enrich our lives going beyond Covid.

What are some of the ideas and plans that have been pushed to the fore front? Is it finally time to skydive? Or maybe paint the house that color only you love? Let's discuss...

Redditor u/Gulfcoastpest wanted to hear all about everyone's exciting plans post COVID, by asking:

(Post COVID) what is on your bucket list?
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