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Pets enrich our lives in countless ways. One of the best is the way they seem to always be able to make us laugh, and this power multiplies exponentially when you have more than one pet.

The drama really ramps up when your pets are different species; different body language and communication styles between animals, as well as very differnt personalities, leads to some pretty hilarious drama.

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People Explain Which TV Shows Were Absolutely Perfect From Start To Finish
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

We've all been watching a lot of television of late, haven't we?

Don't lie. This is a safe space.

Quarantine and lockdowns aside, this is the golden age of television. While the movie theaters are dominated by big blockbuster bonanzas raking in billions of bucks, television has evolved into the premiere visual storytelling medium. There are captivating shows, on a dozen or more streaming services, all at your fingertips.

What are the best, start to finish, shows ever?

Keep this list handy the next time you don't know what to start watching.

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People Confess What A Close Friend Did That Instantly Ruined The Relationship
Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

Some friendships aren't meant to last. That's okay, though, as life sometimes has a way of separating two individuals for the better. A new job opportunity or starting a family are reasons enough to let a friend go. Savor the time you had, look at all the memories on Instagram, then wish them well as they go forth.

Then there's situations like these, where the other person did something so heinous and unforgivable the connection needed to be severed. Like a bad phone call, drop the whole friendship.

*The following article contains discussion of sexual assault.

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People Describe The Best Small Scale Drama Happening In Their Office Right Now
Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

The workplace is a hotbed for scandal and drama.

I think it's a big part of what people missed about the office most during the pandemic.

All of that hot drama unfolding.

And it doesn't even have to be on a grand scale.

So let's dive into some details to gag for.

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People Describe The Worst Movies They Ever Had To Sit Through
Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

Does anyone truly know what makes a movie "good?"

You can think a movie is a brilliant piece of master work but read online reviews giving it only a decent score. On the flip side, you can absolutely think a film is "Meh" even if all of the internet seems to be in favor of making it their entire identity (hello, Encanto).

While everyone's tastes are subjective, and you should absolutely be allowed to enjoy what you enjoy, there are those films you feel the need to warn your friends about.

Cinematic train wrecks which should never be seen by anyone else after you were already forced to endure them.

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