donald trump

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People Break Down The Differences Between Biden's First Year In Office And Trump's
René DeAnda on Unsplash

At the start of Donald Trump's presidency, protests raged in response to a ban he ordered via executive order to seven Muslim-majority countries. At the start of Joe Biden's presidency, the nation was still reeling from the Capitol riot, which had happened just two weeks prior.

The country is currently in a remarkably divided time and political bonds have frayed further, charged with anger.

But the real question here is how did these two men do?

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Trump Is Getting Roasted After Bragging That America Is 'Now Number One In The Universe'
Win McNamee/Getty Images, @jperham27/Twitter

The Universe better watch out – because the U.S.A. is kicking butt and taking names.

President Trump made a very bold claim on Monday evening as he prepared to depart to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum.

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Trump Spent 'A Fortune' Fumigating Mar-A-Lago After Visit From Republican Operative With AIDS, New Book Claims
Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images

A new book called The Fixers revealed that Donald Trump once had all the dinnerware from Mar-A-Lago fumigated after his political mentor and personal lawyer Roy Cohn attended the resort for a farewell dinner.

Cohn was dying from AIDS-related complications at the time and died in 1986.

He was 49.

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Actor Vince Vaughn was trending on Twitter this past Monday, January 13, after footage of the celebrity having a chat with Donald and Melania Trump at the National College Football Championships went viral online.

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Donald Trump Jr., the President's son, loves sharing memes of his father on social media.

He claims it is to "trigger the liberals" rather than pander to his father's supporters.

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