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People Who Stayed With A Cheater Describe The Aftermath

Reddit user Menezeris3029 asked: 'People who have stayed in a relationship after their partner cheated. How was it like after?'

man hugging woman during daytime

Carly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash

There are a lot of sayings about human nature that address bad behavior in a relationship.

One such idiom is "a leopard can't change its spots." Another is "once a cheater, always a cheater."

But is that really accurate?

Can a significant other cheat just once and never again? And even if they can, is the relationship ever truly healed?

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Divorce lawyers see a lot of drama.

Divorce can be a very messy process and tensions and emotions can run high. That's why so many couples have a hard time disentangling themselves from each other... and the worst matches have been known to do everything in their power to screw the other party over.

Sometimes the results are funny and sometimes they're horrible (or maybe even a mix of both).

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Warning: Some sensitive content ahead.

Not all love stories end with a happily ever after and not all marriages last. It's a sad fact of life: You win some, you lose some.But what happens when you've been someone a while and you get married only to find out that the person you married is somehow so much more different than the person they pretended to be?

It's something worth thinking about and sadly, there are many people out there who've experienced this, especially on a short timeline.

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Divorced People Confess What Actually Ruined Their Marriage

Marriages fail for many reasons.

The truth is that many of them are avoidable reasons.

I always wonder what is at the crux of the dissolution of a love story.

Or maybe it's all like Buffy and Angel.

One partner will never have access to a full soul.

Whitney was right... "I'd rather be alone than unhappy!"

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People Divulge The Real Reason Why They're Single Right Now
Photo by Ahmed Nishaath on Unsplash

Love is so elusive these days isn't it?

Who knows what anyone is looking for in the relationship department anymore.

It's all too exhausting.

But people we keep trying.

Redditor ProblemNice5257 wanted to hear why so many people are still on the hunt for that perfect one. They asked:

"Why are you single right now?"
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