divorce lawyers

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Divorce lawyers see a lot of drama.

Divorce can be a very messy process and tensions and emotions can run high. That's why so many couples have a hard time disentangling themselves from each other... and the worst matches have been known to do everything in their power to screw the other party over.

Sometimes the results are funny and sometimes they're horrible (or maybe even a mix of both).

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Divorce Lawyers Reveal The Most Ridiculous Reasons Their Client Filed For Divorce

D-I-V-O-R-C-E. The inevitable end for many a couple. Love is swift and often furious. It can overtake you in seconds. Your heart controls your mind and your lust controls your judgement. Next thing you know... BAM... wedding! Now a lot of times that scenario works out and after ups and downs and the usual rigmarole of life there can be a 'happily ever after.' And then sometimes love... burns down your house and life. Often the reasons for divorce are clear and valid and sometimes it's a head scratcher. Nobody knows this more than the people who facilitate the ending of the story.

Redditor u/KlyonneSpencer wanted to hear some juicy marital dramas by asking.... Divorce lawyers of reddit, what is the most ridiculous reason your client filed divorce for?

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