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The Things People Like Less And Less As They've Gotten Older
Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

When we have our first sip of tea or coffee as a child, we discover that we like it a bit better with a lump of sugar, or two, or three.

As the years pass, we slowly find ourselves putting one less lump of sugar in our hot beverages until we eventually don't use any at all.

While most of our interests, hobbies, and favorite foods will remain with us until our dying days, we might find ourselves losing some, if not all, of our interest in other things the older we get.

Not to mention, finding our hatred of certain things grows even stronger.

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People Break Down Which Widely Beloved Movies They Absolutely Can't Stand
Alex Litvin on Unsplash

I admit, and this might as well be heresy to lots of people, that I just don't like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Sorry, everyone.

I know ya'll love it, but there's very little about it that I feel accurately captures the feeling of magic and whimsy that I experienced while I read Road Dahl's stellar book.

Before you get on my case, I'll emphatically deny liking Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... because it's also terrible.


You just can't please some people (namely me), right?

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People Confess What They Disliked Most About School
Tamarcus Brown/Unsplash

There are a lot of factors that go into what's wrong with schools today. Students are faced with so many challenges, especially during the pandemic when schools were forced to teach remotely.

But many complaints that are made about school aren't ones that are new. Things like school start times, the use of technology, standardized testing, and so much more, all influence whether students enjoy their time in educational institutions.

To stay on the pulse of what youth think about school, we went to AskReddit to hear about what students dislike the most about schooling.

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There's something about seeing a person litter that drives me up the wall. I remember being younger and being explicitly told to hold on to my trash and not just throw it in the street.

As a kid, I distinctly remember being made fun of for not just throwing the bag of chips I'd just eaten or an empty soda bottle into the gutter.

I can't imagine doing that. Why?! We truly treat this planet as if we have somewhere else to go. And yes, it says a lot about people who do that.

Turns out I'm not the only one with strongly held opinions. People shared their thoughts after Redditor Acrobatic_Western_67 asked the online community,

"What's something that makes you instantly dislike someone?"
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