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People Break Down How They Knew They Wouldn't Like Someone In Less Than A Minute
Photo by Dorrell Tibbs on Unsplash

Jane Austen famously taught readers not to judge others based on first impressions in her classic novel Pride and Prejudice.

As someone who may instantly turn you off when first meeting them could prove to be the love of your life.

That doesn't mean, however, that first impressions are always inaccurate.

Sometimes, we'll meet people who don't seem like the sort of person we would normally think we're going to be friends with but are willing to give them a second or third chance.

Only to discover that our suspicions were accurate, unfortunately.

Then, there are the times when it is loud and clear after one conversation that friendships with certain individuals are never going to pan out.

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The Things People Like Less And Less As They've Gotten Older
Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

When we have our first sip of tea or coffee as a child, we discover that we like it a bit better with a lump of sugar, or two, or three.

As the years pass, we slowly find ourselves putting one less lump of sugar in our hot beverages until we eventually don't use any at all.

While most of our interests, hobbies, and favorite foods will remain with us until our dying days, we might find ourselves losing some, if not all, of our interest in other things the older we get.

Not to mention, finding our hatred of certain things grows even stronger.

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People Explain Which Foods They Continue To Hate Well Into Adulthood
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

When we were children, there were certain foods that even the mention of made us gag more than a little bit.

Broccoli, anchovies, mushrooms, you name it!

But then, as adults, we might discover that these foods are not revolting as we remembered them to be.

In fact, we might discover that we actually like them.

But even after growing out of our picky eating habits, there are likely still some foods that we still try to avoid eating whenever possible.

Redditor ohwowwhatfun was curious to hear all the foods the Reddit community never developed a taste for, leading them to ask:

"Which food item do you continue to hate even as an adult?"
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People Explain Which Characters They Hated As A Kid But Love As An Adult

With age comes wisdom—hopefully.

And with wisdom, our perspective changes—hopefully.

So it's only natural our opinions on certain characters from books, movies or TV shows change as we get older.

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