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Grossed out woman sticking her tongue out
Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

Dating can be pretty fun, but like anything else, there are going to be some bad or weird dates.

But sometimes the person we think we're really into will do something so repulsive, we know instantly that relationship is over.

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People Describe The Grossest Thing They've Ever Seen At Someone Else's House
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Some people keep their homes in such disarray that it's frightening.

Have you ever walked into a home and felt the need to run?

What people do in their homes is their business.

You decorate, color, and destroy it as you see fit.

However, it's our choice not to visit.

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People Break Down The Most Disgusting Bad Habits

As much as people try to put on a good face in public, many of them have idiosyncratic behavior–like involuntary foot-tapping–they are ashamed of having.

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People Explain Which Foods They Continue To Hate Well Into Adulthood
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

When we were children, there were certain foods that even the mention of made us gag more than a little bit.

Broccoli, anchovies, mushrooms, you name it!

But then, as adults, we might discover that these foods are not revolting as we remembered them to be.

In fact, we might discover that we actually like them.

But even after growing out of our picky eating habits, there are likely still some foods that we still try to avoid eating whenever possible.

Redditor ohwowwhatfun was curious to hear all the foods the Reddit community never developed a taste for, leading them to ask:

"Which food item do you continue to hate even as an adult?"
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We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

While some people might not be able to stop eating certain foods, the very thought of that same food is enough to make others gag.

Then there are the foods which are universally considered to be delicious delicacies, the foods so revered that it is assumed that everyone must find them delicious.

Only, not everyone does.

Redditor jamboamericano was curious to hear which foods the Reddit community couldn't quite grasp the appeal of, leading them to ask:

"What a food in your opinion that quite simply sucks and you don’t understand the hype behind it?"
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