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The Most Regrettable Purchases People Have Ever Made

Reddit user CelineC6622 asked: 'What's the most regrettable purchase you've ever made?'

Man in mall with shopping bags
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Every now and again, we can't help but make an "impulse purchase."

When we see something in a store window, in a catalog, or while surfing online, and think to ourselves, "I must have that!"

Then we waste no time in buying it.

Even if it was more money than we likely wanted to spend.

Of course, down the line, we might realize that doing so probably wasn't the best idea.

Be it an item of clothing that doesn't fit, a gadget that doesn't work, or something that just wasn't at all what it appeared to be, we find ourselves wishing more than anything that we didn't make this purchase.

Or at least kept the receipt.

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People Share The Facts They Wish They'd Never Learned
Photo by Sherise VD on Unsplash

There's a reason people are prompted to say "Too Much Information" or 'TMI" in modern slang.

Most commonly, people are urged to say so when they've learned a piece of information that they think they would have been better off not knowing.

Information which caused a visceral reaction of one sort or another, be it disgust, sadness, anger or heartbreak.

Making them feel all the worse is knowing what they learned isn't an opinion, but the cold, hard truth.

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People Divulge Which Famous Places Aren't Worth Visiting
Photo by Chermel Porter on Unsplash

There are some places all over the world just about everyone dreams of visiting.

Who doesn't want a picture of themself under the Eiffel Tower, in front of the Grand Canyon, or amidst the sparkling lights of Las Vegas?

But, are all of these iconic places actually worth visiting?

Redditor tade757 wondered what iconic travel destinations people found overhyped and not worth the time and money to travel to, leading them to ask:

"What famous place is not worth visiting?"
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Life never turns out the way you expect. That should be the first lesson ever imprinted on the youth.

What is that saying? "Everytime we make a plan... God laughs."

Well he must be in a constant state of guffaw watching kids grow into adults and learning that everything we believed to be true is either false, or some distorted version of what we imagined.

Adults, we know better, let's starting hitting the youth with hard truth now.

It'll make for a sobering reality.

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Formerly Deaf People Break Down Which Sounds Were Totally Underwhelming After Finally Hearing Them
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The gift of hearing is an awesome thing. So many of us have the luxury to take it for granted.

How many 'first' sounds do we hear regularly that barely register for memory?

For those of us who are given sound after never having it or losing it and regaining it, have an appreciation most of us will never understand.

They embrace sound with such thankfulness and clarity. They can also tell you when hearing disappoints.

After all they have a build up of imagination in mind.

Redditor u/XxXNoobMaster69XxXx was hoping the formerly hearing impaired would sound off a bit by asking:

Ex-deaf people of reddit, what was the most underwhelming sound, respective to your expectations?
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