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People Debate Which Actor Would Make The Best Devil
Photo by Sander Meyer on Unsplash

Why do we love the Devil?

We can't help ourselves.

He's one of the most ancient and cryptic characters of all time.

And when he's on screen... you can't not watch.

Currently on my soap opera "Days of Our Lives" one of the main characters is possessed.

It's so much fun.

Now who needs the Devil on their acting resume?

Redditor 70701 wanted to debate some casting choices. They asked:

"Morgan Freeman was well accepted as the actor to play god, which actor would you nominate to play the devil in all future depictions?"
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People Divulge Why The Devil Would Want To Shake Their Hand After They Die And Go To Hell
Image by Waldkunst from Pixabay

Ending up in Hell would be one thing, but discovering that the Devil is a huge fan of yours would be a whole extra layer of horror.

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Mike Pence's questionable history with LGBTQ issues has been long and well-documented. Perhaps most shocking, however, is that he makes so little effort to correct his course.

Pence recently visited the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee to speak. While he was there, the pastor gave an incredibly homophobic sermon, saying LGBTQ people were possessed by demons.

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