deja vu

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Life in full of the unexpected and all things that cannot be explained. I don't know about the rest of you, but déjà Vu is a daily visitor in my life. I am constantly wondering... "Did that just happen, again?"

Strange happenings abound in all of our lives. And finding ways to properly describe phenomena has never gotten easier.

How do you relay the details about dreams within dreams within nightmares that happened while we're awake? It's all part of the mystery.

Redditor u/TheCornishGameHen wanted to hear about some things that have occurred in life that we'll never properly define, by asking:

What is an experience you've had that you cannot logically explain?
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People Break Down The Strongest Case Of Déjà Vu They've Ever Experienced

Who hasn't had those haunting moments when it feels like life itself is trying to drive you crazy? Didn't I already do this? Didn't we have this conversation? Am I dreaming? All valid questions. It maybe that we are all a wee bit psychic. Deja vú is creepy yet fascinating part of life. it's almost visceral.

Redditor u/ShopliftedTacos wanted to discuss the moments when it feels like life is trying to play a trick on us by asking..... What is the strongest feeling of déjà vu you've experienced?

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There are just some moments in life that are just too strange to be random? But it's quite possible life really is just that random. There are implausible situations like sharing the same middle name as your lover or discovering a long lost twin, or finding your hair beret from kindergarten while you're skinny dipping in the ocean; that fall under the moments you swear you can't "make this stuff up" even of you tried category. Those are the times when you have to either leave it all up to the possibility of the random or that there is divine power at play.

Redditor u/Ashaliedoll was wondering what deja vú moments we've all experienced by asking.... What has been the biggest coincidence you've experienced in your life so far?

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