deal breaker

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Eating at restaurants is usually great: you get awesome tasty food that you didn't have to cook for yourself.

Not every restaurant is created equal, though, and everybody has those one or two things that are just total dealbreakers when it comes to dining out.

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It can be really easy to develop a crush. That’s because they usually happen before you really know the person you have a crush on.

Sometimes, when you really get to know the person you have a crush on, you find yourself falling in love with that person.

When I found out my first crush loved Harry Potter just as much as I did, I decided he was the boy I was going to marry.

Of course, since I was in second grade, things didn’t exactly work out between us, but I digress.

However, other times, getting to know the person you're crushing on leads to a piece of information that makes you instantly lose interest.

Redditors have plenty of experience with that and are ready to share.

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Men Share Their Deal Breakers For A Potential Relationship
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Dating can be one heck of a fiasco, especially these days, in the time of COVID. Everybody is looking for something different and nobody seems to be on the same page.

Now there are two sides to every story but today we wanna here from the men out there. Everybody has a breaking point when the red flags finally add up to trouble. And y'all know what to do when trouble comes calling?


Redditor u/JaJaLoHawanted the gents out there to share with us about their love lines in the sand, by asking:

Men, what are some deal breakers for a potential relationship?
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People Confess Their Personal Relationship Deal Breakers
Omar Medina Films / Pixabay

Some people have a list of deal breakers a mile long. Others (shout out to you, Libras!) can roll with pretty much anything as long as you're not a terrible person. Some people haven't actually put real thought into their deal breakers, which tends to pop up as a problem later on down the line.

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