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People Divulge What They Really Think Happens After We Die
Image by doodlartdotcom from Pixabay

I have a paralyzing fear of death. If I could I would live forever. Have you ever seen the movie "Death Becomes Her?" I would give every penny for that potion. And I wouldn't be all crazy like them.

Live well forever and be happy? It's possible. Even though life is nuts and scary, you're still here. What if there is nothing after the final breath? I don't want to just not exist, while everybody else just gets to keep on dancing.

In my hopes I see a Heaven with ice cream and vodka. So I'm going to hold onto that until eternal life is an option. Let's hear from the gallery...

Redditor u/St3fan34 wanted to discuss life after life, by asking:

What do you think really happens after death?
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Life is so fragile. We hope and pray that there is an "after," after our last breathes. And some people say they can prove there is a life after death and a death after life....

Redditor u/NiekW274 wanted to hear from those of us who have lived, died and lived again by asking.... [Serious] People who have been clinically dead and brought back to life, what was your experience?

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Is there life after death? What happens when we die? Many people report having experiences after being declared clinically dead. And despite scientific studies, belief in a "beyond" is still a part of our collective consciousness. While it's impossible for the mind to survive without the body, those who have died and come back share their take in this fascinating thread.

And, we are not trying to romanticize death in any way. If you feel overwhelmed, or need help please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

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People Reveal Which Businesses That Were Killed By The Internet They Miss The Most

Have you ever stopped to think about all of the deaths the internet is responsible for?

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Have you ever wondered what a near-death experience is like?

We've seen them dramatized in film and TV countless times. A white light, a figure, "turn back, it's not your time;" the whole shebang. But what is it actually like?

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