dark secrets

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People Confess The Darkest Secrets They've Learned About Their Family
Photo by Uta Scholl on Unsplash

Every family has a past.

We all think we want to know our family's tales.

But that journey can be riddled with horrors.

You don't always want to find yourself saying....

"I wish I didn't know that."

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People Divulge The Darkest Secret Anyone Has Ever Told Them

Shhhh.... keep this to yourself....

Some details in life are just too harsh to talk about. But often the secrets that haunt us are the stories we most long to tell. It's all about unburdening. We all carry so much pain and shame and we long to shed it. The craziest part is that we have no idea that we're dying to talk. When we least expect it.... the truth will out.

Redditor u/SadisticFishyboi wanted to know who would be willing to share some dark details they've learned or about themselves by asking....

What's the darkest secret anyone has ever told you?[serious]

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