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Letting your child grow up and live their own life is a difficult challenge.

It can be especially difficult to watch them finagle the game of love.

Let's be honest, this is your baby... no one is going to be good enough for them.

Fathers and daughters have a very special bond that way.

This is why dads liking their daughter's choice in a plus one is unique.

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Dads can be the real MVPs sometimes. As kids, our dads seemed to be the ones that always let us get away with the weirdest stuff, and in fact would sometimes even encourage it. But what happens when mom finds out? These Reddit dads will tell you.

u/HumblePlatypus asked: Dads of Reddit, what's your best "Don't tell mom" story?

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Dad Hilariously Goes Above And Beyond To Make His Daughter's Pic A Splash On Social Media

There is no shortage of dads on social media who will do whatever it takes to help their kid go viral.

And Twitter user @CaityMarie1423's dad is no exception.

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This Viral Twitter Thread Of Kids Sleeping On Their Dads Is So Hilariously Pure
@trynagetlikeyou,@cool_pettyd, @Joe_Fru/Twitter

As a kid, you can always rely on your dad to tell terrible jokes and yell at you when you touch the thermostat, but it turns out dads also make the best pillows.

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Being a parent means instilling your child with a decent sense of right and wrong. That is, when it doesn't come at great personal harm to yourself, right? This could be where the classic, "Kids, don't tell your mother," expression comes from. Whatever the mess, whatever the spill, whatever the injury, it's worth a little lie on your conscience, right?

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