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People Divulge The Dark Facts That Make Some Animals Not So Cute Anymore
Scott Carroll/Unsplash

As a little kid I obsessed over animals. I poured over volumes and volumes of encyclopedias and zoological journals, I spent countless hours at the Museum of Natural History with my little notebook jotting down every sign, every factoid, every bit of animal-knowledge I could find.

None of that prepared me for what I just read.

This was way back when you could just let your kid free-range through a Manhattan museum for a few hours while you grabbed a slice and ran some errands—so you better believe I clocked some serious hours there learning about whales, elephants, etc...

And nowhere in any of that was it mentioned horses regularly chow down on adorable fluffy little peep-peep baby chickens. I had to find that out thanks to THIS god-awful thread.

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When it comes to romance, we often think of the big gestures as the ones that mean the most or stay burned in our partners memories for the longest time.

But this Reddit thread is showing that isn't always the case.

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It's nice to know what your good qualities are.

And even better, it's nice to be reminded of what they are and why they work for you. Everybody has something attractive about them. It's important to remember what you already bring to the table so that you can work to become a more well-rounded human.

Why do you think people are attracted to you?

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Pet Owners Reveal The Cutest Things Their Animals Do That Actually Screw Them Over

Pets make our lives better just by being their fluffy, feathery, or scaly selves. They give us unconditional love and another being to spoil with too many toys and treats.

They are their own beings, however, and have their own idiosyncrasies and weird behaviors.

Sometimes these peculiarities are absolutely adorable, but they can also be a major pain in the butt.

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Family Of Ducks Makes An Adorable Annual Parade Through This New York Hospital
Thompson Health/Facebook, Louisa G Johnson/Facebook

There is a mallard duck that visits a particular spot at Thompson Health, a University of Rochester Medicine hospital in upstate New York, to lay her eggs every year.

After those eggs become adorable baby ducklings, she leads them on a tour of the hospital.

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