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Android cellphone and mascot
Denny Müller on Unsplash

The eternal battles of brand rivalry.

Macbook vs PC.

Coke vs Pepsi.

It's all about preference.

But when it comes to phones... the LOYALTY is real!

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Pizza Delivery Guy Keeps Delivering To The Same Address, And Things Get Awkwardly Worse Every Time He Goes Back
stevecoleimages/Getty Images

Every job has its foibles, but customer service work has arguably the most pitfalls of them all.

Dealing directly with other human beings—all their emotions and hang-ups and expectations and entitlements—is pretty much a one-way ticket to misunderstandings.

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A single place where I can buy things to not smell terrible, light my house, and load up on beer is nothing short of amazing. God's work, really.

But what if some punk menace got hold of the controls and turned it all upside down and into a pain in the ass?

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Buffet Workers Share Their Customer Horror Stories

All-you-can-eat buffets are a great way to go out with friends or family and make sure everyone can eat what they want. They often have an assortment of different cuisines, and nobody is going to leave still hungry.

Working at an all-you-can-eat buffet is not always as eating at one, however. Below you will find some particularly striking horror stories from those working at buffets and the customers they had to deal with.

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Listen, whoever said "the customer is always right" clearly NEVER worked in retail, or else they'd have taken that back and publicly apologized to everyone who ever heard the phrase.

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