culture shock

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Adults toasting with glasses of red wine
Photo by Kelsey Knight on Unsplash

It's not surprising that each country is different, with various beliefs and rules, but what is always eye-opening is what one country will deem a basic necessity, another will deem an expensive, even allusive, luxury.

Americans in particular are often perplexed by the luxuries that Europeans are able to enjoy on a daily basis, which Americans would not be able to have without paying a premium.

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People Who Grew Up In The City Share Things Every Country Kid Should Know
Teun Swagerman/Unsplash

As someone who was born in the hustle and bustle of Manhattan but moved to Florida where everything is slow and gator-ish, this Reddit thread struck a chord.

If you're not ready for it, the culture shock between city life and country life can come at you faster than an angry bull—or a cab driver trying to make the light.

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Non-Americans Disclose Their Biggest Culture Shocks When They Arrived In The USA
Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

As citizens of the U.S., we don't think twice about the overly generous food portions in restaurants or flinch when strangers want to engage with us with small talk when in public.

But the same behaviors and customs don't necessarily go over well over in other countries.

Food portions are significantly smaller in Japan, and the French typically prefer not wasting their breath in asking people what they think about the weather.

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People Describe The Weirdest Thing They've Ever Witnessed At A Friend's House

Growing up, I wasn't really allowed to have friends outside of my cousins, and people who my parents went to church with. Since I have a ridiculous number of cousins (seriously... can we stop, fam? There's sooooo many of us already!) it wasn't really a major thing that even crossed my mind.

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People Share Which Things Surprised Them Most About Visiting A Country For The First Time
Eva Darron/Unsplash

The world is full of so many different cultures, ideas, and laws. Traveling to a new country that you've never been to can be quite a culture shock.

For those of us who haven't traveled overseas, it's interesting to know what might be shocking to us that is incredibly normal in another country. For those of us who have, this Redditor wanted to know what was surprising the first time you visited a country.

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