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What's most unsettling about people who grow up in cults or strict and conservative religious groups is they are raised with a highly distorted view of the world.

Rather than being taught to have an open mind and heart, they are brainwashed into believing that there is a very firm right and wrong way to live.

Often including sexist, homophobic, racist and other blatantly discriminatory policies.

As a result, when people leave these societies, either being rescued or through their own bravery, they are often shocked to discover just how different the world is than they were led to believe.

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Group of people chanting
Luan Cabral/Unsplash

Whether it's being part of a congregation or an academic sports team, communities are important because they allow people to have a sense of purpose and belonging.

While some may prefer having their own space, eventually, they'll want to have some sort of interaction with others.

But when there isn't a group representing like-minded people, those feeling dejected and isolated find each other to form their own communities.

However, there are some groups that are comprised of bitter individuals and engage in activities with nefarious intentions under the guise of fellowship.

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People Break Down Which Groups Don't Look Like A Cult But Actually Are
Max Harlynking on Unsplash

When something or someone looks too good to be true... they usually are.

Or when people are just too ride or die for something, you smell a problem.

Cults. They're everywhere. We've all probably been in one at one time or another without knowing.

I guess we're all just looking to belong, but at what cost?

That's a literal and figurative question.

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People Break Down The Things That Are Not A Cult But Feel Like One
Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

What gives cults a bad name?

For starters, a cult is usually described as a social group with an unusual or excessive devotion towards a certain religious or philosophical belief.

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With the way things are going with our government these last few years it feels like we're living in a cult. Doesn't it? Now we have this Qanon craziness, and it's followers have infiltrated the House and not just in an insurrection. There are actual Qanon members of Congress. That does not bold well for the sanity of the nation. Cults have been around longer than the dawn of time. I think because everybody is looking for a tribe, no matter how detrimental they can be.

Redditor u/HeyItsMeLeslie wanted to hear how we can shine more light on groups that are dangerous to the world by asking... What are some modern day cults that kinda fly under the radar?
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