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Embarrassed woman covering her face and laughing
Photo by Yousef Hussain on Unsplash

We've all done some embarrassing things, some that are so embarrassing, they actually keep us up at night.

But the worst kind of embarrassment has to be the kind that happens in front of a crush. While you're already worrying about whether or not they like you, and you're hoping to impress them, you somehow manage to do the exact opposite.

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People Divulge How Their High School Crush Turned Out As An Adult
Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash

Oh our high school crushes.

Be honest. How often do they cross your mind?

There is no shame.

They are the first people to set our hearts a flutter.

And they are forever immortalized in our memory as perfect.

But then went on and lived lives.

Let's see how that went.

Redditor anonymous-46 wanted to talk about the people who made us blush back in the day. They asked:

"How did your high school crush turn out as an adult?"
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People Share The Most Obvious Signs That Someone Has Feelings For You
Jed Villejo on Unsplash

When we were kids, we may have relentlessly teased a classmate for no reason other than due to having an innocent crush.

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People Share Red Flags To Look Out For When Crushing On Someone New
Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash

We all want to find someone to love, don't we?

And all love stories are supposed to start the same way.

We see someone, crush on them, and picture a whole future together.

But because of that we often ignore the big neon signs that say... RUN!!

Let's focus on those signs for a bit.

Redditor xaviourmaan wanted to discuss what signs we need to take seriously when liking a person. They asked:

"What is a red flag when crushing on someone?"
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People Explain How A First Date With Their Crush Could Go Off The Rails
Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

A first date can be very exciting, but there's a lot riding on the initial romantic encounter.

Unlike in previous generations, many people meet their potential suitors through various online apps, where users have control over their perception.

Once a rapport is established, it's on to meet up in person. Once the profile pic matches expectations, most previous concerns go by the wayside and the evening can be smooth sailing.

Until it isn't.

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