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Things That Appear Cool To High Schoolers But Cringeworthy To Everyone Else
Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

High school is strange time for most of us. We think we know everything, we want to be cool and idolized, and we conform to fit in, even if conforming really means doing something stupid, like smoking.

Still, as high schoolers, we thought all of this was cool. We did all sorts of stupid or inappropriate things, and either justified them, or didn’t even realize they needed to be justified.

However, we all grow up. Things we thought were cool as high schoolers are absolutely cringeworthy to us now. Redditors are only too eager to share what those things are.

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People Break Down The Most Cringeworthy School Presentations They've Ever Witnessed
Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

Dig if you will this picture; it's high school, chorus class, early 2000's. On Fridays, the students are allowed time for "free presentations."

One student asked the teacher if he could sing "The Pony Song." Yes, that pony song.

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People Share The Most Cringeworthy Thing A Teacher Has Ever Done At Their School
Photo by Tra Nguyen on Unsplash

It may have been a while since you've been in school, but we bet if we asked you to tell us about "that one teacher" most of you know EXACTLY who in your life you'd tell us about.

For me, it was a bonkers Latin teacher who was older than dust and had so many anger issues it wasn't even funny.

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Vintage clothes have always been a coveted concept in the eyes of fashion. Many love to wear outfits based on the styles of yesteryear, and scour thrift stores to find the hottest trends.

But there are some trends that need to stay in the past. While some decades sport some classic looks, others just make you want to forget that cringey time altogether.

YouTubeIsAJoke asked: What's the most cringeworthy fashion trend that must never make a comeback?

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