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Sketches of the human anatomy
Annie Spratt /Unsplash

We all know that the human body is very complex.

But even with all the recorded and available science, there are certain things about our bodies that continue to elude us, and medical experts can still get stumped about how the human form reacts unpredictably.

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People Describe The Creepiest Thing They've Ever Experienced In Their Life
Image by Veronica Bosley from Pixabay

Skeptics may believe there is a logical explanation for everything.

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People Share The Creepiest Non-Paranormal Story They've Ever Heard
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

People are obsessed with hauntings and ghost stories.

Unexplainable phenomena remain a fascination for even for the timid. It's like driving by the scene of a traffic accident. As horrific as they are, people can't help but slow down and look.

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People Break Down The Creepiest Thing Someone's Ever Said To Them
Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

Isn't it fabulous when you strike up meaningful and enriching conversations with people?

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Hospital Employees Describe The Creepiest Thing They've Ever Witnessed

Hospitals often see some of the most horrific moments of people's lives, including the end of their lives. When there is so much trauma and death in one place, you begin to see some unusual things.

Sometimes it's creepy things that bump in the night, sometimes it's just a marvel of the human body. Either case, it's quite scary to witness the often unexplainable.

We went to Ask Reddit to hear first hand accounts from the people who work in hospitals.

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