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Cleaning equipment in hotel hallway
Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty)/Unsplash

Staying at a decent hotel can be a luxurious experience–whether it's during a vacation or a business trip.

It's a temporary home away from home, and the change of scenery from the confines of your bedroom at home is like a breath of fresh air.

Hotel guests, however, tend to forget about the fact that the cozy hotel room they're staying in has hosted hundreds of other strangers before them–and the one constant is the housekeeping staff who see and hear everything.
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People Share The Craziest Things A Child Has Ever Asked Them
Ekaterina Shakharova/Unsplash

Kids are wild.

If you don't think kids are wild, it's because you clearly haven't spent any real time around them or they're not comfortable enough to be themselves around you, yet. They're still putting up a front.

Catch them when they're relaxed and in their natural state - then they start talking and almost without fail, tiny humans are absolutely bananas. It might just be the best thing about them.

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People Describe The Craziest Thing An Ex Has Ever Done To Them
Alexandra Mirgheș on Unsplash

A couple breaking up amicably is civil and preferred, but it doesn't happen all the time.

Sometimes there is plenty of yelling, name-calling, and even harm done as the result of heartbreak.

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People Break Down Their Craziest 'Wait, That's Illegal' Experiences
Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

People sure do silly things in the heat of a moment.

Some wild activities can be spurred on by peer pressure, while other times, people are inspired by the vitality of life to seize the day.

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People Confess The Weirdest Things They've Seen In Strip Clubs
Eric Nopanen/Unsplash

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People looking for a debaucherous night out need to look no further than their local strip joint, where anything can go down. Anything.

And while connoisseurs may claim to have "seen it all" there are always a handful of patrons who can claim boasting rights witnessing things that aren't typically on the visual feast buffet.
What can possibly top ping pong balls being ejected from unsuspecting places, you say?
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