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People Share The Most Random Things They Miss About Life Before The Pandemic
Photo by Noah on Unsplash

So apparently we are in the endemic phase of this nonsense.

We have light at the end of the tunnel.

So what now?

Where do we go from here?

Normal seems like an outdated word.

How do we get back to normal though?

Is it even possible?

What are reaching back to?

Life pre-Covid.

Those were the days.

If only we could bring them back.

Redditorhetravelingsong wanted to discuss our new normal in this hopeful "endemic" phase. So they asked:

"What’s something random you miss about pre-COVID times?"
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People Debate The Merits Of Continuing To Wear A Mask In Public
Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Many parts of the world are gradually lifting mask-wearing mandates in public spaces as the pandemic inches closer to the end.

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People Share The Sayings They Hate The Most
Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

You hear them all the time.

Commonly used expressions or sayings, slogans and catchphrases, reminders in television or internet ads, and they drive you up the wall.

Something about what they're saying, how it's said, or just the repetitive nature can make you wish your ears no longer worked.

Fortunately, the internet exists so we can all share in our auditory misery.

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It can feel like the world is out to get you, especially when people die in such easily avoidable ways.

This isn't to make light of tragic accidents, or people suffering from long term illnesses, but when you look at the staggering amount of gun deaths in the country, or the number of people still losing loved ones to lung cancer after years of smoking, it becomes apparent maybe some people don't want to avoid it at all.

When it seemingly would be so easy to step to the side.

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People Break Down The Pre-Pandemic Habits That Seem Weird Now
Xingyue HUANG on Unsplash

During the pandemic citizens around the world were forced to adapt to new ways of living for their own protection and for the general greater good.

But after adjusting to a new normal, how we conducted ourselves prior to the pandemic has become strangely out of place.
For instance, in our current crisis situation, if someone extends their hand to you in an effort for you to shake it, would you feel apprehensive about engaging in the physical gesture?
Think about it.
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