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Barn with an American flag on it

Traveling the world can be a highly enlightening experience.

It opens us up to various cultures and customs that can only expand our wisdom of the capabilities of what people can achieve while also reminding us that we are all the same.

And while there are common practices that are shared by different nations, there are some things that Americans seem to excel at more than in other countries.

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There are over 190 countries around the world today and each one has its own fascinating history. Many people love to travel to far off lands to learn more about these places. But are they always getting the full picture, especially if that country has a sordid past?

Many of us know about the genocide that took place in Rwanda nearly 30 years ago just as we know about the way that Chile's leader, Pinochet, would disappear his opponents. But that's just scratching the surface.

People told us some creepy facts about their countries after Redditor Dantehasabig_ asked the online community,

"What are creepy facts about your country that most foreigners wouldn’t know?"
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People Explain Which Stereotypes About Their Home Country Annoy Them The Most
Juliana Kozoski on Unsplash

Believe it or not, the British don't have bad teeth, Canadians don't say "eh" after every sentence, and the widlife in Australia generally leaves you alone. People in Germany aren't all Nazis, either (you should read a history book sometime).

But many people believe these stereotypes, much to the annoyance of people actually from these countries.

As an American, it's pretty frustrating to hear that everyone thinks we're all packing heat (we're not) and that it's the Wild West out here (okay, that one might have a kernel of truth).

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People Break Down The Countries They Never Want To Visit
JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

When we eventually get out of the pandemic and more countries open their borders to tourists, people will start booking flights to fulfill their wanderlust desires.

Those who enjoy travel usually talk about the countries they've visited and places that are on the bucket list to explore in the future.

But seldom do people talk about the places they would rather not visit.

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The pandemic has everyone wishing they could get out and explore the world again. On average, in 2021 U.S. travelers are spending $400 more per trip than they did in 2020.

With everyone getting bit by the travel bug, there are plenty of places to visit with beautiful nature scenes and interesting cities to explore.

Also due to the pandemic, one study found there were significant environmental impacts while human activity quieted while in quarantine. Air and water pollution, green house gas emissions and noise pollution lessened during that time.

Given we are able to travel again, we wanted to know which of the most beautiful countries we should travel to first.

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