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2020 has been a real handful y'all. And number one on the "2020 is the worst" list is COVID! We've had to shelter in place and avoid most human contact. I haven't hugged my mother in six months; it's frustrating. So why is it when we're all suppose to be hiding out and avoiding contact until this under control do we have so many fools running amok... especially loved ones who implore us to join. Some of us have had to get creative with invitation excuses. The "we're in a pandemic" reasoning is a bust.

Redditor u/TooAwkwardForMyAcc wanted us all to discuss the new ways we've learned to avoid our society in this time of Covid by asking.... What's the best way to tell your friend you don't want to meet because you're scared of Corona?
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People Who Regularly Work From Home Share Their Tips For First-Timers Due To COVID-19 Concerns
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For a lot of people, the idea of working from home conjures up ideas of sitting on a couch in your jammies daydrinking and eating chips & salsa while watching re-runs of Charmed. And yes, it can be just that wondrous just not always or nothing would get done.

There's truly an art to being able to work effectively from home.

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15 Items Needed to Work From Home During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Just because you're home doesn't mean you can't be productive. In fact, I'd argue that staying home should make you even more productive because you're in your own space.

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For the media, a global pandemic is worth its weight in gold.

That constant coverage across television and the interwebs, for all the information it provides, does tend to stoke hysteria in the wrong hands. And in public health crises like these, pharmacists and other medical professionals catch the brunt.

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Nothing brings out the secret hate like a physically threatening force that justifies deeply internalized racism.

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