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Amateur Chefs Share Their Biggest No-Nos In The Kitchen

What would Gordon Ramsey say? Then Run!!!

Amateur Chefs Share Their Biggest No-Nos In The Kitchen
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

The kitchen is a sacred place for many. If you merely dabble in the art of cuisine you must be careful. Those who live by fires of the chef, they can't afford mistakes. But we all make them. So let's put a list together of all the secrets the kitchen holds.

Redditor u/thepapumemes wanted to talk with all the cooks out there who are trying to do new things and maybe shouldn't by asking.... What's a big No-No in cooking?

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People Explain Which Meals They Really Want To Master Cooking

Matthew Horwood
/ Contributor via getty images

Cooking is such a fun, creative pastime. The precision mixed with the on-your-feet thinking creates room for fun and the unexpected.

Everybody has a favorite dish and wants to try and recreate it. And if they're into cooking, they can try!

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Cooking is an art. Cooking is also a passion and a discipline respected the world over. And soooo many of us are doing so much of it wrong. We all don't have to be a famous celebrity chef to master the art, heck we don't even have to master the art, but we could take a few pointers here and there. Small pointers can often turn into scrumptious dinners and literal lifesavers.

Redditor u/MomosOnSale wanted chefs to help us out with a few things when cooking by asking...

Redditors who cook, what's the biggest 'no no' thing in cooking?

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