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The Craziest Things People Have Overheard On A Plane

"Reddit user TheRealWhoDat asked: 'What’s the craziest thing you’ve overheard on a plane?'"

People on a plane, on their phones, watching tv, listening to music
Image by Orna Wachman

Oh, the conversations that can be overheard in small spaces.

It feels like people have given up the will to care about who is listening.

Kids, parents, strangers, priests... we're all fair game.

But hearing drama on a plane can make you feel the most claustrophobic.

And those are the conversations you write down and write plays about.

People just can't help themselves in the air.

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Some people love to talk.

Often, much to the dismay of whomever they're talking to.

Even when you think they've finally run out of things to say, they swerve the conversation in another direction and just keep on talking and talking.

Most of the time, these people are well-meaning -- and that makes getting out of the conversation all the more challenging.

As we don't want to hurt their feelings or come off as rude.

It is for this reason that others have developed and perfected a perfect escape plan to cut a conversation short when there is no end in sight.

Leaving everyone happy, with no hurt feelings.

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People Share The Best Conversation Starters They Know
Alexis Brown/Unsplash

Being the one to start a conversation can be pretty awkward if there's no context.

We're not all chatty Cathys and just walking up and saying "hi!" really only works if you're an adorable extrovert (or toddler. mostly toddler.)

So how are we supposed to, like, talk to people?

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My eyes (or rather, eye, in my case) are up here!

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Dating and the search for love and companionship... What a nightmare.

This journey plays out nothing like in the movies.

Every Prince or Princess (or everything in BTW) seems to have a touch of the psycho.

The things people say during what should be simple dinner conversation can leave a dining partner aghast.

Like... do you hear you?

Redditor detroit_michigldan wanted to discuss all the best ways to crash and burn when trying to make a romantic connection. They asked:

"You're on a date and it's going really great. What can another person say to ruin it completely?"
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