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Products People Can't Imagine Buying The High-End Versions Of
Laura Chouette/Unsplash

When shopping for a product, consumers have a wide range of options to choose from.

Headphones, for example, are offered for sale in various forms, including for those who prefer in-ear-buds or over the hear headsets.

Of course, good quality is something that costs them more, and figures into the purchasing decisions.

But there are certain things many consumers just don't understand about others' buying choices.

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The Companies That Customers Vow Never To Give Their Money To
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Big or small, companies need to make money, and the only way to do that is for customers to buy their product or enlist in their services.

Most companies try to create products or services that will help people. However, some companies lose their way and end up making bad decisions. They become almost evil. That’s when the customers stop coming.

People rarely want to buy from a company who is doing bad things. From the company CEO said some disparaging things to the company treating their employees with zero respect, anything can turn customers off a company.

Redditors know this all too well. They were happy to share the companies they would never want to give money to, and why.

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People Explain What They Truly Need That They Don't Yet Have
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Life is all about searching for that one thing that'll make it all worthwhile.

While this sounds like some motivational meme you might see on a health gurus Instagram page in Brush Script font, it's a fact we can all admit to ourselves. There's something we're searching for, striving for, and always on the hunt to lock down. Could be something tangible, that we can hold in our hands, or it could be something metaphysical, unable to be grasped but able to be felt.

Whatever it is, it varies from person to person.

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People Explain Which Things Are Actually Cheap To Make But Sell At A Ridiculous Price
congerdesign from Pixabay

Businesses have to turn a profit to be able to stay operational.

We get it. A consumer is paying more than it costs to make the product to purchase the product. The upside of accepting this fact should be we're being provided a service and experience we couldn't possibly get on our own.

However, there are those products that are overcharged, especially compared to the development costs, that are charged a high price for what feels like no reason outside of making a ridiculous amount of money.

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People Break Down Which Products Prey On Stupid People
Image by Goumbik from Pixabay

It's so important to keep your head on a swivel. Everywhere you look, consumer culture abounds.

With so many people trying to make a buck on the side or become the next dream startup, it seems like all it takes is a sigh and someone's whipping around the corner trying to sell you a solution.

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