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Here we are, decades into the life and journey of the internet.

And we still can't clean up all of the horrible spots.

The internet is a fantastic invention with many, many flaws.

Our screens have been exposed to things that will remain with our souls forever.

So let's talk about it.


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People Confess Which Basic Computer Skills They're Shocked Some People Don't Possess
Lorenzo Herrera/Unsplash

Computers are not everyone's strong suit. Generation z is now reaching adulthood, and they've had computers, smart phones, and iPads since birth.

For anyone in an older generation, this wasn't the case. Computers weren't even advertised for the home until the Superbowl of 1984, and even then it was priced at $2,500.

Come the turn of the 21st century, computers are a staple in the home, but the advancements in the last two decades have left some people scrambling to keep up. Things that might seem basic to some are shockingly uncommon to others.

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I admit, I love my stuffed animals. They're the best.

Some of them have been with me for years and I have them proudly displayed in different spots around my apartment. And when I've packed them for a move, I've done so with all the tender loving care I can muster.

What is it about them that stirs up these feelings?

Believe it or not, it's quite possible to form emotional attachments to inanimate objects!

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Students Describe The Funniest Ways They've Ever Messed With Their School's Computers
Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

School days can be long and monotonous. Who hasn't spent many an hour staring at the clock and counting the seconds pass on by? I mean plenty of subjects are intriguing and we pay attention, but having a little fun to pass the time or garner a rise in popularity is always irresistible.

As the use of computers and technology grew, tinkering with school systems became that much easier.

So many students have figured out backways into the educational interwebs in order to wreak a little havoc. And as long as nobody released a virus or doxxed anyone... what's the harm? Let's have a little fun.

Redditor u/AtmosphereForsaken82 was wondering what shenanigans some of us have gotten into with technology and school, by asking:

How did you mess with computers at school?
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People Describe The Weirdest Things About The Early Internet
Image by andreas160578 from Pixabay

Since its advent way back in the 1960s and its popularization in the 1990s, the internet has long departed its primitive roots and become the most influential technology to grace the human race since the printing press.

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