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People Break Down Which Things Were Absolutely Ruined By The Internet
Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

As much as the internet has become an extraordinary tool, we have to admit, it's changed the world in ways that aren't so great.

I enjoy working from home on this computer.

But I do see people less.

Not that people are all that great.

Am I lonely? Maybe...

It was just a simpler time then.

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Here we are, decades into the life and journey of the internet.

And we still can't clean up all of the horrible spots.

The internet is a fantastic invention with many, many flaws.

Our screens have been exposed to things that will remain with our souls forever.

So let's talk about it.


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People often go on and on about the dark web.

A secret place of scandal and horror.

But what is it really like?

Redditor AceofSpadesYT wanted to hear about the secrets and the salacious tales from the dark side of the internet. They asked:

"People who have accessed the dark web, what was it like?"
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People Describe The Most Ridiculous Thing They've Ever Seen A Technologically Illiterate Person Do
Windows on Unsplash

New technology seems to be introduced at a faster and faster rate all the time.

It's only natural not everyone will be conversant in all the latest tech.

But some people really struggle.

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Insomniacs Break Down What They Do All Night
Megan Te Boekhor/Unsplash

What does this insomniac do at night?

Work. The answer is work. It always has been.

As a kid, I'd write endlessly in notebooks when I couldn't sleep. Now that I'm an adult you can absolutely find me online at 4 AM rambling about some madness like trans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or that one time my neighbor bare-hand picked up a piece of dog poop and put it in her pocket.

Yes, I live in Florida.

For me, insomnia is a place of creation. But what is it for others?

For that, we turn to Reddit. Because humans stay nosy about what everybody else is doing.

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