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Who doesn't enjoy a compliment every now and then?

But have you ever thought you were complimented only to realize you've just been insulted?

For some people those backhanded compliments are unintentional, for some they're very much deliberate and for some people it's actually their love language.

Whatever the purpose, some of these veiled insults are downright clever.

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People Recount The Best Compliment They've Ever Received
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

There can never be enough compliments to put an extra spring in our step for a job well done or the way we look on any given day.

But there are some accolades that are just so profound, they stick with us forever.

I remember I was auditioning for a Broadway show for a spot in the ensemble along with other talented hopefuls – one of whom was a Tony nominee and renowned for her inimitable style and graceful presence.

After the audition, she and I happened to be waiting at the same subway station, and she elegantly strode over to tell me she was impressed by my "beautiful" dancing and wished me good luck. My legs buckled in that instant.

I didn't book the gig, but her compliment stayed with me long after that show eventually posted its closing notice.

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Giving (an receiving) compliments can be tricky territory, particularly as it pertains to women. First, you kind of need to establish that what you want to say is, indeed a compliment.

(Pro-Tip: If your compliment involves a qualifier, it's not a compliment. "For a girl", "if you lost some weight", "etc.)

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The stereotype of men being stoic and not really needing encouragement or compliments is just that - a stereotype. It's not true. It's just not. Dudes want to hear some nice stuff too!

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Why is it so difficult to think before you speak? Words matter and the way you deliver them matters even more. We're in a new era today, you can't just blurt out the first odd thing in your head. You never really could but now we know better; or at least we're supposed to. Look up the definition of a compliment and go from there.

Redditor u/sybaritic_footstool wanted to know what are some of the strangest things people thought was a thoughtful thing to say by asking....

What's the creepiest compliment you've ever been given?

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